Native URL Shortener - Chrome - Google 給你、 等官方短網址;如果沒有官方短網址,則使用你喜歡的縮址服務 來縮網址。短網址會自動幫你複製。 URL Shortener extension - Chrome - Google This extension provides you the UI to use Google URL Shortener quickly.
Create a short URL - Google 網頁搜尋說明 Visit the Google URL shortener site at If you aren't ... Once created, your link won't expire unless it has to be removed for spam, privacy, or legal reasons.
URL Shortener ( - Android Apps on Google Play ... // Access analytics of any short URL, including the raw click counts and their distribution across referrers, browsers, platforms, and geographical locations. The app also lets you ...
Google URL Shortener Paste your long URL here: ... allows you to track, in real-time, the clicks and referrers on any shortened URL - a perfect tool to help you understand what ...
ShortenMe ( URL shortener + QR codes) - Chrome ... - Google 2 Jul 2014 ... Quickly shorten links with, copy them to the clipboard, and generate QR codes.
【Chrome外掛】 URL Shortener – 利用Google幫你把網址縮短 | 逐風者 1.先進入『 URL Shortener』的安裝網頁,把 URL Shortener安裝好 https:// chrome. google ... URL shortener - Android Apps on Google Play is Google's URL shortening tool. It allows you to put in a URL and returns a reduced size URL linked to your original URL. This application utilizes goo.g...
5 Best URL Shortener Chrome Extensions | Tech Shortly For example this post original URL is url-shortener-chrome-extensions.html if I use Google's URL Shortening service ...
URL Shortener API — Google Developers 2014年6月17日 ... The Google URL Shortener at is a service that takes long URLs and squeezes them into fewer characters to make a link that is easier to ...